Easy Bath Bombs

Easy Bath Bombs

There is nothing better than a nice long bath.

After a rough day, a long hot soak with a few candles can take the edge off of any bad day.

If you're looking to improve your bath time routine - these easy to make bath bombs are just what you need!

Tools & Materials


Put baking soda, Epsom salt, corn starch, and citric acid into a bowl and mix.

In a separate bowl mix coconut oil (warmed until liquid), water, essential oil, and food coloring.

Once you have mixed all of the liquid ingredients slowly add them into the dry ingredients.

Then stir everything together. I like to use my hands to get it all mixed up.

Once it's all mixed up, then pack the mixture into the molds and let dry.

Once dry, tap out of the molds.

Now... time for a nice long soak!!

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